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Title: Leverage of technological tools and internet through the productive inclusion of these in the English language teaching to improve the communicative skills of eighth grade students of the Liceo Rural Boca de Sierpe, during the year 2021
Authors: Gamazo Hernández, Yuliana Daniela
Advisor: Hernández Gómez, Karol Paola
Keywords: enseñanza del inglés
TFG licenciatura
Sede Ciudad Neily
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Publisher: Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
Citation: Gamazo Hernández, Y. D. (2022). Leverage of technological tools and internet through the productive inclusion of these in the English language teaching to improve the communicative skills of eighth grade students of the Liceo Rural Boca de Sierpe, during the year 2021. [Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica]. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.
Description: Trabajo final de graduación (TFG)
Appears in Collections:Enseñanza del Inglés

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